Coffee and Jesus

So cliché to name a blog, right? “Coffee and Jesus”. I’m sure you’ve seen it all over the internet. All over house décor. Vinyl Tees. It’s literally everywhere. But have you really, really actually, seen it? That was a question I had to ask myself. It sounds quite funny. I drink coffee every single morning. I read my Bible (not as much as I should), but I read it. I have one of those really super cool Canvas journal Bibles for artsy people, like myself. So, I thought.. Why not? 

I just received a really awesome gift from someone special to me. She is my aunt. She has also recently bought a photo session from me, so she is potentially, my client also. I have heard that logos leave an impression on people. If you have ever seen my logo.. its pretty cute. I get a lot of complements on it. Needless to say, you start a business.. you get a logo so that people see it and know – “hey.. that is so-and-so’s business”. Well, my aunt got a really awesome coffee mug for me. What is even MORE awesome, is when I pulled the cup from the gift bag, I immediately knew why she thought of me.

The mug has a symbol of what almost looks identical to my logo, its missing maybe one thing to be exact. I loved it! I didn’t have my own coffee mug that stated, who I was. So, as I was washing it to be used, I was thinking about the mugs that say “Coffee and Jesus”. I wonder how many people actually buy those because they drink coffee and read their Bible? Maybe it could symbolize a ton of different things. Like- I run off of coffee, and also Jesus keeps me going when the coffee ain’t around. But today, I thought, you know what? I am going to sit down and have me a cup of coffee and Jesus! Both, at the same time! How cool would that be, right?

So I get my mug washed, and make my coffee, and grab my Bible. I opened the Bible to one of my favorite verses, Jeremiah 29:30. I started reading the passage. I was full of happiness afterwards and reassurance. Why? you say. Though I think of the verse often, it wasn’t the verse itself that intrigued me.

You see, this month has been a slow season for my business. I have been down about it lately. I wonder how I will accomplish things that I am working towards. I know that God will always take care of me. But, I also know that no matter what I want”  God has his plan for my life. There have been many times in my life when things I completely didn’t expect to happen, happened. This is why I love this verse. I wanted to pray about me doing what God wants me to do in life. It is always hard to tell. The only way I know, is to read God’s word for assurance. The verse underneath my favorite verse states, “When you call on me, when you come and pray to me, I’ll listen. When you come looking for me, you’ll find me. I will make sure you won’t be disappointed. I’ll turn things around for you.”

After reading, I almost had a tear, but managed to fight it back. It was a happy tear. I should have embraced it, and just let it fall with freedom, in all of its beauty. But instead, I smiled, and I wanted to share this story of my morning with you.

Today, I have a new outlook on being confident in trying to strive for goals I have made for myself, my family and even my business. I know that whether or not God’s plan is my plan, I can still come to Him and He will listen to what I have on my heart. I know that with Him, I will never be disappointed. Today, I want to encourage you to take a minute to just grab your cup of Jesus. If there is something that you have that is bothering you, that maybe, you have been striving for and you just aren’t sure that you have made the right choice… pray about it! If you don’t know how to pray… it is as easy as talking to a friend. And if you REALLY feel motivated, take out your Bible and turn to Jeremiah 29!

I also want to say thank you to my Aunt Heather, for my gift. Because, what you have given me, was more than just a mug. It was what I NEEDED! You saw a simple gift, a logo, a smile for giving me something that said “me”. I will cherish this mug as long as it holds my coffee!

So there you go, that is a little taste of my version of “Coffee and Jesus“.