Composite Art

Composite Art

Creating unique and emotional Art, in a personable way. Heather will work with you to create a piece of artwork, that tells a story. Maybe you want to go on an adventure, riding on a frog. Maybe, you want to be a fairy on a unicorn. Maybe you want to swim the seas as a mermaid, or slay dragons and ride dinosaurs. Whatever you dream of being, Heather can help create those fantasies of magic for you. Reach out and discuss with her what you are dreaming to create!

Frog Composite
Wings Composite
Mermaid/Message in a bottle Composite
Dark Path Composite
Trampoline Composite

I believe, you can sometimes pick up an old photograph, and feel the same way you felt in that moment. It takes you back to the place or the memory where you once created it. It can make you laugh. It can make you cry. It draws emotion to the soul. You can feel it in your heart. That is why I love my job. Why I love doing what I do. It is not just about taking pictures. It is about living in the moment and creating beautiful memories you will someday look back upon. It is your story to tell and mine to capture. - Heather La'rie

"The best and most beautiful things in this world cannot be seen or even heard, but must be felt with the heart." Helen Keller