Children's Fine Art Gallery

Children's Fine Art Portraits

Capturing childhood memories in a tasteful, artistic way. Creating a painterly, and dreamy image to hang on your wall.  From the time your little one is sitting on their own, up until they fly from the nest. Heather captures memories you will cherish for generations. Don't let those little feet outgrow their shoes before instilling those magical childhood moments forever. Let's create something magical.

Lucy Sail Boat
Apples Fine Art
Fine Art Fall
Leaf Fine Art
Fine Art Easter
Teddy Fine Art
Fine Art Fall Portrait
Wagon Fine Art
Boy in a wagon Fine Art
Forrest Fine Art
Fine Art Birthday
Overalls Fine Art
Adventures Fine Art
Frog Fine Art
Composite Fine Art
Sport Princess Fine Art
Moody Easter Fine Art
Princess Friends Fine Art
Swing Fine Art